
Quasistatic event-driven simulations.


CheckData([cli_args, my_data_version])

Check the data file for data version.


Write or check the detailed dynamics of a quasistatic step.


Check the integrity of the fast load file.


Read information (avalanche size, force) of an ensemble.


Add/overwrite "/param/data_version" to the current version.


Generate IO files (including job-scripts) to run simulations.


Save the state of the random generators for fast loading of the simulation.


Write list of jobs to rerun a quasistatic step.


Write all steps to be viewed in Paraview.


Basic plot.


Plot state after system spanning events.


Run simulation.


Extract stability and height-height correlation after system spanning events.


Extract the structure factor after system spanning events.


Update the data from any version to the current version.


Allocate the proper system based on the parameters in the file.


Read basic output from simulation.

create_check_meta([file, path, dev])

Create, update, or read/check metadata. This function creates metadata as attributes to a group path as follows::.


Return list with version strings.


Convert a filepath to the corresponding fastload filepath.

generate(file, shape, seed[, eta, dt, ...])

Generate a simulation file.


Split filename in useful information.

steadystate(u_frame, f_frame, kick, A, N, ...)

Estimate the first step of the steady-state.



depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.CheckData(cli_args=None, my_data_version='2.0')#

Check the data file for data version. Prints the files that have failed. No output is written if all files are ok.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.CheckDynamics(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Write or check the detailed dynamics of a quasistatic step.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.CheckFastLoad(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Check the integrity of the fast load file.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.EnsembleInfo(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Read information (avalanche size, force) of an ensemble. See depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.basic_output(). Store into a single output file.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.ForceCurrentDataVersion(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Add/overwrite "/param/data_version" to the current version. Warning: use with caution. There are no checks that the data is compatible with the current version.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Generate(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Generate IO files (including job-scripts) to run simulations.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.GenerateFastLoad(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Save the state of the random generators for fast loading of the simulation. The data created by this function is just to speed-up processing, it is completely obsolete and can be removed without hesitation.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.JobRerun(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Write list of jobs to rerun a quasistatic step.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Paraview(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Write all steps to be viewed in Paraview.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Plot(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Basic plot.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.PlotStateAfterSystemSpanning(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Plot state after system spanning events. Input files: depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.EnsembleInfo(), or ?? (TODO)

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Run(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Run simulation.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.StateAfterSystemSpanning(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Extract stability and height-height correlation after system spanning events. In particular, the following quantities are stored:

  • P(x), with x the distance to yielding.

  • The height-height correlation.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.StructureAfterSystemSpanning(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Extract the structure factor after system spanning events. See: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.147208

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.UpdateData(cli_args: list[str] = None)#

Update the data from any version to the current version.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.allocate_system(file: File)#

Allocate the proper system based on the parameters in the file.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.basic_output(file: File) dict#

Read basic output from simulation.


file – Open simulation HDF5 archive (read-only).


Basic output as follows:: u_frame: Position of the load frame [nstep]. f_frame: Average driving force [nstep]. f_potential: Average elastic force [nstep]. S: Number of times a particle yielded [nstep]. A: Number of particles that yielded at least once [nstep]. kick: Step started with a kick (True), or contains only elastic loading (False) [nstep]. step: Step numbers == np.arange(nstep). steadystate: Increment number where the steady state starts (int).

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.create_check_meta(file: File = None, path: str = None, dev: bool = False, **kwargs) Group#

Create, update, or read/check metadata. This function creates metadata as attributes to a group path as follows:

"uuid": A unique identifier that can be used to distinguish simulations.
"version": The current version of this code (updated).
"dependencies": The current version of all relevant dependencies (updated).
"compiler": Compiler information (updated).
  • file – HDF5 archive.

  • path – Path in file to store/read metadata.

  • dev – Allow uncommitted changes.


Group to metadata.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.dependencies() list[str]#

Return list with version strings. Compared to model.System.version_dependencies() this adds the version of prrng.


Convert a filepath to the corresponding fastload filepath.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.generate(file: File, shape: list[int], seed: int, eta: float = None, dt: float = None, k_frame: float = None, potential: dict = {'mu': 1.0, 'type': 'Cuspy'}, distribution: str = 'weibull', interactions: dict = {'k': 1.0, 'type': 'Laplace'}, overdamped: bool = False, temperature: float = None)#

Generate a simulation file.

  • file – HDF5 file opened for writing.

  • shape – Shape of the system.

  • seed – Base seed.

  • eta – Damping coefficient.

  • dt – Time step.

  • k_frame – Frame stiffness. Default: 1 / L**2.

  • potential – Select potential.

  • distribution – Distribution of potentials.

  • interactions – Select interactions.

  • overdamped – Run overdamped dynamics (no passing rule if quasistatic).

  • temperature – Temperature (in units of the yield force = 1).

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.interpret_filename(filename: str) dict#

Split filename in useful information.

depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.steadystate(u_frame: ArrayLike, f_frame: ArrayLike, kick: ArrayLike, A: ArrayLike, N: int, **kwargs) int#

Estimate the first step of the steady-state. Constraints:

  • Start with elastic loading.

  • Sufficiently low tangent modulus.

  • All blocks yielded at least once.


Keywords arguments that are not explicitly listed are ignored.

  • u_frame – Position of the load frame [nstep].

  • f_frame – Average driving force [nstep].

  • kick – Whether a kick was applied [nstep].

  • A – Number of blocks that yielded at least once [nstep].

  • N – Number of blocks.


Step number.

class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_Cuspy_Laplace(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_Cuspy_Laplace_Nopassing(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_Cuspy_Laplace_RandomForcing(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_Cuspy_LongRange(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_Cuspy_Quartic(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_Cuspy_QuarticGradient(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_Cuspy_Quartic_RandomForcing(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_SemiSmooth_Laplace(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line1d_System_Smooth_Laplace(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Line2d_System_Cuspy_Laplace(file: File)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.MyFmt(prog, indent_increment=2, max_help_position=24, width=None)#
class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Normalisation(file: File)#

Return relevant parameters as dictionary.

class depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.SystemExtra(file: File)#

Base class for extra system methods and parameters.

chunk_goto(u: ArrayLike, fastload: tuple(str, str) = None)#

Update the yield positions to be able to accommodate a target position u. Note: the position is not updated!

  • u – Target position.

  • fastload – If available (filename, groupname) of the closest fastload info.

restore_quasistatic_step(root: Group, step: int, fastload: bool = True)#

Quench and restore an a quasistatic step for the relevant root. The root group should contain:

root["u"][str(step)]   # Positions
root["inc"][step]      # Increment (-> time)
root["u_frame"][step]  # Loading frame position