
Rerun an event and store output at different time-steps. The time-steps are selected as follows:

  • Given event sizes “A” unit the event is system spanning (--A-step controls interval).

  • Given time-steps if no longer checking at “A” (interval controlled by --t-step).


  • --t-step=0: Break simulation when A = N.

  • --A-step=0: Store at fixed time intervals from the beginning.


  • An exact copy of the input file.

  • The position of all particles (“/Dynamics/u/{iiter:d}”).

  • Metadata:

    • "/Dynamics/inc": Increment number (-> time).

    • "/Dynamics/A": Actual number of blocks that yielded at least once.

    • "/Dynamics/stored": The stored “iiter”.

    • "/Dynamics/sync-A": List of “iiter” stored due to given “A”.

    • "/Dynamics/sync-t": List of “iiter” stored due to given “inc” after checking for “A”.

usage: Dynamics_Run [-h] [--develop] [-v] [--A-step int] [--t-step int]
                    [--step int] [--branch int] [-f] -o str

Positional Arguments#


Simulation from which to run (read-only)

Named Arguments#


Development mode

Default: False

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit


Control sync-A storage

Default: 1


Control sync-t storage

Default: 500


Step to run (state: step - 1, then trigger)


Branch (if ‘Trigger’)

-f, --force

Force overwrite output

Default: False

-o, --output

Output file

See also: depinning_inertia_2024.Dynamics.Run()