
Branch simulations at different forces. The simulations are the result of depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.Run().

The following options are available:

  • (default) After each system spanning event.

  • (–delta-f) At a fixed force increment (of the frame force) after a system spanning event.

Per realisation in the output of depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.EnsembleInfo() create one file with a branch ibranch at the relevant state after each system spanning event (n in total):

# Note:
# -     Fields marked (*) are extendible, with initial size = 1
# -     Fields marked (**) are extendible, with initial size = 2
#       They control trigger `i`, and have a size that is 'one ahead'
# -     Fields marked (***) are reconstructable and there only for fast post-processing
# -     Unknown items are ``-1`` (or ``0`` for sizes of durations)

# O.    Meta-data

/Trigger/step        # per branch, the last quasistatic step it was based on [n]
/Trigger/step_c      # per branch, the last system spanning step it was based on [n]
/Trigger/loaded      # per branch, true is elastic loading was applied to ``step`` [n]

# I.    Definition of the state

/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/u/0         # particle positions [shape]
/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/u_frame     # frame position per step (*)
/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/inc         # increment per step (*)

# III.  Trigger control parameters

/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/try_p       # particle to try to trigger first (**)
/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/p           # triggered particle (**)

# IV.   Basic output that cannot be reconstructed

/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/completed   # check that the dynamics finished (*)
/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/truncated   # if event was stopped at A == N (*)
/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/T           # duration of the event (*)

# V.    Basic output that can be reconstructed from "u"/"u_frame"

/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/S           # number of times that blocks yielded (***)
/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/A           # number of blocks that yielded (***)
/Trigger/branches/{ibranch:d}/f_frame     # frame force (***)

usage: Trigger_Generate [-h] [--delta-f float] [--develop] [-o str] [-v] str

Positional Arguments#


EnsembleInfo from :py:func:depinning_inertia_2024.QuasiStatic.EnsembleInfo` (read-only)

Named Arguments#


Advance to fixed force


Allow uncommitted

Default: False

-o, --outdir

Output directory

Default: “.”

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

See also: depinning_inertia_2024.Trigger.Generate()